Saturday, October 10, 2009

Epilogue: Edinburgh Part 1

So these videos are about 6 months late in coming, but I thought it would be nice to finally edit them, get them up, and give this travel blog some closing.

In the first Scotland video, I mumble about Edinburgh Castle for a bit, and then have footage of us climbing Arthur's Seat (the big hill right outside the city).

Coming up in part 2 is just a collage of footage I took during my experience at a ceilidh (KAY-lee) at the University of Edinburgh. That night was sponsored by the astronomy club or something, so that big planet-esque thing above the dance floor is, in fact, Jupiter.

Hopefully in the next week or so I will go back through all my footage I have yet to share (several hours worth) and pull out some gems to put up as part of this blog as a kind of epilogue to my time spent abroad. It's partly me wanting to finish the blog and give it a sense of finality, but mostly it's nostalgia.


  1. Coming up in part 2 is just a collage of footage I took during my experience at a ceilidh (KAY-lee) at the University of Edinburgh. That night was sponsored by the astronomy club or something, so that big planet-esque thing above the dance floor is, in fact, Jupiter.

