Saturday, May 9, 2009

Favo(u)rites and Nots

Before I leave London for my triumphant (?) return to the States, I thought I'd give you a quick list of my favorite and least favorite things in London. Even though I leave in a day or so, I will keep updating the blog with back footage. Keep checking back!

Top 10 Favo(u)rite London Things
1. TeaSmith
2. Ithaca College London Center Staff
3. Royal College of Muisc (Janet Hilton)
4. Jogging in Hyde Park
5. San Marino paninni shop in Brixton
6. TheLondonPaper
7. The Tube
8. Hell Pizza
9. Brixton Tube Station
10. Sainsbury's

Top 10 Least Favo(u)rite London Things
1. Oxford Street
2. 8:15 Rush of Business Suit wearing Blackberry wielders on the District Line
3. The Circle Line
4. Marks and Spencer
5. Harrod's
6. Pret a Manger
7. Tourists (how ironic...)
8. The London Lite
9. People feeding pigeons in just about every public space
10. Pay-as-you-pee style restrooms


  1. You didn't like Pret A Manger??? I loved it! Well, it's a chain, yes...but the food was so good!!!!
    And what was wrong with Marks and Spencer?

  2. Just to let you know - the ICLC staff are deeply hurt that we aren't number 1. You can get tea in any country. You can only get Bill, Heather, Fred and Sarah in London!!!!!

  3. you didn't like Pret A Manger??? I loved it! Well, it's a chain, yes...but the food was so good!!!!
    And what was wrong with Marks and Spencer?

